One upon a time, in small city, lived an architect named Raju; he was working for ‘Fast Construction Company’. He earned his living by designing houses in the city. He is well known, As his construction becomes the landmark in the city. His dream is to construct a house for him, which has all the luxury and everything put together from all the houses he had designed. So he was saving a certain amount from his salary every month to able to construct a house when retires.
The employers of Raju, Fast construction company were very happy with his work and always appreciated him with perks and promotions. They even made Raju as the brand ambassor for the company.
Raju was very happy with work he is doing and worked even harder to make his employers happy. As his earning grew multi folds, his saving also grew likewise. He was happy that he would able to save sufficient money within few years so that he can start working on this dream house.
Raju Married a beautiful girl and they were content with what they have and never purchased anything that is unnecessary. They both were satisfied with what they had and have sacrificed all little desires of trying something new. Raju’s wife wanted to travel the around the world and see new things but never said this to Raju, because she cared about the his dream.
Raju somehow learnt about his wife’s dream, he wanted to fulfill her dream so he started to work extratime to save more money and thinking , "Once sufficient amount is saved, he will retire , go around the world with his wife and then start working on his dream house”. So he put all his mind, body and soul into the work and forgot to even care about his wife.
Year passed on and finally Raju looked at his savings and thought that he had sufficient money and decided to work on his dream house and plan for the world trip. So he went to his employer and told about his retirement plans.
The Employer “Fast construction company” was sorry to see his best workers go and they did not have a back plan for this, Therefore they asked Raju if he could build just one more house as personal favor and this would be his last work in the company.
Raju could not say NO to his employer who took care of him very well. So he said to himself, one last house and then I can work on my dream house. He started his work, but as the time passed, his heart was not in his work, and he began to think how he can complete the house quickly. He bought inferior materials to build the house. His plan was shoddy, did not have all the details, so he had to rebuild few parts of the house again to incorporate few changes and fixed the issues that came up in the nick of time.
Finally the house was completed, he himself felt very bad about the house and thought " As i am not going to live in it who cares".
Meanwhile, Raju‘s employers were busy in preparation for the his farewell as they thought the company’s success was due to Raju's hard work.
As usual, it was time to inspect the house which was done by 2 or 3 people from the Fast construction company, but this time, hundreds of the people along with CEO of the company came, which surprised Raju, but he was confident that they will not be able to find any defects as his patch work was good.
Raju handed over the Keys to CEO to inspect the house, The CEO, Handed back to Raju and said, “This is your house now …. Our gift to you, as token for all the work you have done to make our company successful”. We wish you happiness in you future. The employees also thanked and wished him luck and happiness in his life.
Raju was Shell shocked!!
(If he had only known, he was building his own house, would he done it all so differently? Would he want an unfortunate end to his dedicated career? If given a chance, would he do it much differently?)
It is up to us, we would not get another change to relive our lives, once the time is gone, it’s gone, whatever you do you cannot have it back, you can only make the present enjoyable. As someone said, “Life is a ‘do it yourself Project’ “, your attitude , choices you make today, will have effect on your tomorrow.
“Always work as if you are working for yourself,
You never know what is in store for you“- Khry
Note : The photos are for illustrious purpose only
I know this story
very informative post for me as I am always looking for new content that can help me and my knowledge grow better.