Once upon a time, there was lion, squirrel and elephant. All three were friends believing in each other and believed in the quote “Once a friend, is a friend for life time.”
Lion was very protective of his friends, he wanted them to live happily without any trouble and believed in ‘precaution is better than cure’ formula, so he always thought about the next day and what can he do to make life better for his friends.
Squirrel was kindhearted, believed in lion and whatever he does. He does not say a word against Lion; he used to the world the lion has shown. Content and satisfied with what it has and what it got from lion and never bothered about the world outside his reach.

Elephant saw everyone is smaller and weaker them him, and believed he can control over them with is mighty power.He wanted to be more like Lion since everyone is afraid of his power.
The lion always bossed over the other two, “Do this, do that, don’t do this, don’t do that” were most of the words that came out of the lion’s mouth. He feared for safety of his friends so that no harm would come to his friends and always accompanied wherever they go and never allowed anyone to go out alone without his consent. He began to worry for each and everything in life and forgot to enjoy the even the small happiness that come their way. He wanted to live like the ‘Squirrel’ who enjoyed the each and every moment of the life with no regrets but never said any word about this to anyone. Elephant started to get annoyed by Lion’s attitude and started complaining to Squirrel about the lion.
This is not good, we have our own life, we should not be told where we should go and where not to go, who is he to boss us around like this is.
I know you are small and weak, but that does mean that we should hear everything he says, we do the take care of him, we cook food, take care of home while he is gone.
What does he do for the home? Nothing. Just can’t think of one, he just comes and sits in one place, and then orders us do to this and that. For we, do all the work without even complaining. But still he needs to change is attitude, as this cannot go on like this forever.
Lion was very protective of his friends, he wanted them to live happily without any trouble and believed in ‘precaution is better than cure’ formula, so he always thought about the next day and what can he do to make life better for his friends.

Elephant saw everyone is smaller and weaker them him, and believed he can control over them with is mighty power.He wanted to be more like Lion since everyone is afraid of his power.
The lion always bossed over the other two, “Do this, do that, don’t do this, don’t do that” were most of the words that came out of the lion’s mouth. He feared for safety of his friends so that no harm would come to his friends and always accompanied wherever they go and never allowed anyone to go out alone without his consent. He began to worry for each and everything in life and forgot to enjoy the even the small happiness that come their way. He wanted to live like the ‘Squirrel’ who enjoyed the each and every moment of the life with no regrets but never said any word about this to anyone. Elephant started to get annoyed by Lion’s attitude and started complaining to Squirrel about the lion.
This is not good, we have our own life, we should not be told where we should go and where not to go, who is he to boss us around like this is.
I know you are small and weak, but that does mean that we should hear everything he says, we do the take care of him, we cook food, take care of home while he is gone.
What does he do for the home? Nothing. Just can’t think of one, he just comes and sits in one place, and then orders us do to this and that. For we, do all the work without even complaining. But still he needs to change is attitude, as this cannot go on like this forever.
We can talk to lion when he comes back and ask him to do some of the work we do, that will teach him what we are going through and might come to his senses
Squirrel: Yeah!! You are right, we keep doing all the work and he sits and enjoys. Let him come back, I will do the talking
This is everyday story for a married person, Lion being the Husband who earns for the family, Squirrel being the Spouse and Elephant being the any relative, neighbor. The relationship between husband and wife are strangled not just because of the proactive-ness of the others in teaching what is right and what is wrong in your life. It is because you choose to hear them and act upon it.